
English Conversation
Montag, 24. März 2025, 15:30 - 16:45
Aufrufe : 1284
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English Conversation
The English Conversation group meets every second Monday in the office from 15:30 to 16:45. We enjoy discussing various topics of interest (social,political, cultural). We have also read detective short stories, analysed songs and poems, and played games. We even went to the Irish Pub to join in the Pub Quiz. Following the participants’ suggestions I provide text material with vocabulary annotations. Practising English and improving our linguistic competence is what we strive for. However, this is not a language learning course. We are aware of the fact that we all make mistakes when conversing in a foreign language. So we are very tolerant when grammatical errors occur. If you are interested,come and join our group. After our Pre-Christmas get-together on December 16th we will enjoy a Christmas holiday break. Our next meetings in the new year will be as follows: 13. und 27.1.25, 10. und 24.2.25, 10. und 24.3.25 
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